Making my RX system remote for friends

In case foreign stations want to do tests, I can give access for a short period, but the intention is that the system is only for Belgian stations.
The reason behind this is that I am not in favor of people outside Belgium listening to my RX to make qso's through my RX station.


Special thanks to DL6ZG/ON6ZG for making this possible.



We're a bit further... still waiting for the triplexer.
In the meantime, everything has been built in better so that there are no more items lying loose on the tables.

I have chosen to also install the SDRs in the same box... it has become tight to connect the antennas. I can still tighten them just enough on the SDR

As you can see it has already gotten a little better. When the triplexer is received it will be built in and after that I will stop investing money in this system. The next projects are already waiting...




First tests are ok after a lot of mistakes with the Raspberry pi4 (my mistakes)
Everything has now settled down.
The website of the remote control is now online, and everything works.


The SDRs have been working very stable for some time now.
I suspect that I will be able to test everything for the last time by this evening and that I can then also close this project.
Closing.... now I suspect that I will have to make some hardware and software adjustments here and there in the future.
below pictures of the system.

Everything will be built in a box when the tests are completed.



We are almost there... still waiting for the triplexer of remote qth and SMA connectors. I suspect they will be there by next week.
At the moment the 160m server works perfectly and there are already some who use it.
There is still a lot of work next week, the Raspberry Pi4 will also arrive with all necessary software made by DL6ZG/ON6ZG.
The basis will be there, it's up to me to adjust it afterwards where necessary.

I hope to be done with everything just before the CQWW CW at the end of this month.


The cost of this project to make it all remote.

3x Airspy SDR around 350€ (bought second hand)

splitter 1 to 2 (remote QTH kit) 49€

Splitter 1 to 3 (remote QTH kit) 39€

Raspberry PI4 117€

2x relay board for Raspberry PI (no idea of cost)

Every month for NO IP servers 3.5€

2 x bandpass filters 134€

Connectors BNC Amphenol 60€

Connectors SMA 50€

Alu Construction box 60€

3 x 4way switch 80€


Total around 950€

This does not include the RX antenna's


And above all



I don't have a big tower and I don't have a 1500w amplifier.

I wanted to be able to receive properly first.

Now that this is almost complete, we will go for bigger tower and the investment in a bigger amplifier.




We are still testing.
In the meantime, there are already 2 sdr's online the first for the HF and the other for the VHF.
The future is that I will have 3sdr's online...
160m maximum or 5 users same time...
80m maximum or 5 users same time...
40m together with VHF (2m) same here only 5 users at the same time can log in the system.

If someone is logged into VHF it will not be possible to use the 40m band same otherwise.
Why the VHF... My mother is also a ham operator and lives in an apartment where she does not have the possibility to receive verry well on VHF.

By also linking my VHF to the SDR, she can at least have good reception again.


Three sdr's also makes switching and operating simpler. This way you no longer have to switch between the bandpass filters, and you can listen simultaneously on each band with a total of 15 users... 3 spy servers will be made... Each band will get its own link if you want to listen on 160m you will have to use the 160m link the same for the 80m and the 40m.

Currently building a system so that I can continue to use my own system without having to listen remotely myself.

For now, if everything works, we will not give access to the 8 directions of the 9rx circle array yet.
Before I make the operation remote, I first have to provide a system so that I can switch off the remote locally and switch back to manual operation.

Below the plan it... should work eventually....


A long time ago it was my intention to make my entire RX system available... I already talked about it on 11/06/2020 on this link

We are almost there remote RX....
At the moment I work through SharpSDR you can download it here...

If you are a good friend... :-) you can ask me the server name so you can make a connection to my system.

Right now you can only listen to the band I'm on and in the direction I've selected... (still testing on old pc soon upgrade to Raspberry pi4)
Soon you will also be able to control the entire system...

So choosing between the bandpass filters (160/80 and 40m) and also the 8 directions of the 9RX circle array and the preamp.

The other RX systems I have will not be in the remote package ... only when the 9RX is dismantled I make the FO0AAA RX loop (direction fix on 340°) and the simple RX vertical available.

On this site you will see if the system is online (soon)



Some things to keep in mind as a user...

I am still the main user of the system.

(still testing on old pc soon upgrade to Raspberry pi4)

I offer the system for free. 

When I'm working some rare DX I still decide as the main user which direction is selected and of course I also decide the band.

I am a very active radio amateur...

RX9 is protected when i am transmitting all goes to ground.

The RX is not available during contests. (CQWW, CQWPX and some others) I can put your account on inactive... Do not get angry.

The entire system is password protected.. without an active account you cannot log in.

Never share your login details with anyone else...I can see this...account will be deactivated.

There will be a WhatsApp group that every user will be in so you can decide among yourselves what direction or band you want to listen to.

There can only be 4 users at the same time.

Someone who wants to do some tests compared to their own RX ....have priority.

I don't want any problems between users

If you agree with the above, you can request login details.


Enkele zaken waar je rekening mee moet houden...

Ik blijf de hoofdgebruiker!

Ik ben nog altijd aan het testen op een oude pc binnenkort upgrade naar rapsberry pi4 waar je dan ook alles mee zal kunnen bedienen.

Het is gratis.... Er is geen gebruiksrecht.

Ik ben een zeer actieve gebruiker.

Als ik dat rare DX station wil werken zal ik als hoofdgebruiker manueel kunnen schakelen.

Als ik ga uitzenden dan gaat de RX9 automatisch in veiligheid.

De RX9 zal niet beschikbaar zijn tijdens de grote contesten.

Ik kan je account op non actief zetten. (contesten of andere redenen)

Deel nooit je inlog gegevens met anderen... ik kan dit zien... account wordt geblokeerd.

Het ganse systeem is paswoord beveiligd…. Zonder account kun je niet inloggen.

Er kunnen maximum (voorlopig) 4 gebruikers op het zelfde moment inloggen op de SDR.

Wie wilt testen doen om te vergelijken met hun eigen RX hebben voorrang.

Er is een whatsapp groep zodat gebruikers met elkaar kunnen communiceren. Geen whatsapp geen account.

Ik wil geen problemen tussen gebruikers.

Als je akkoord gaat met bovenstaande kun je mij contacteren voor de inlog gegevens.



Have FUN