The call OT7T is the vanity callsign of silent key ON4UN... To honor him we use in the big contest his call to make sure he will be remembered.


I had been asked by a few people to help out at another station in this contest as an operator.
Thought about it for a long time but didn't do it, The distances of my QTH and honestly I'd rather be at my station to participate than at another.
A few days before the contest I suddenly received a phone call from ON4DS asking me to participate. He said they were looking for someone for the 80m or the 160m. When I said that they had already asked me and I didn't feel like sitting at a other station.

In the end he convinced me to join from my station on 80m. And then the search for an extra operator to help me started... but many think like me and so We didn't find one and I said that it would work alone on 80m. 

I am not really a contest operator, but we will do the best we can.


We participated in the category multi/multi explorer.








Not many pictures of the contest, only this one just before the start of it.




Only 80m 78DXCC en 1072 qso's, arround 250 QSO's to USA.

Not bad for the first time, I think.

But need some more power I can use only 500w at the moment.


As soon as the final score is uploaded on the website of CQWW I will post it here.


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