Testing the system in the field
We are finally ready to test everything.
Friday (19/03/2021 after my work I set everything so that I can adjust and test everything on Saturday.
Why everything was set on Friday because I did not know what difficulties I was going to encounter.
We started installing the coils on Friday, then the switchbox, coaxes, control cables and then on Saturday we started to adjust everything.

As you can see in the pictures above, everything has been kept as simple as possible.
Here 2 connections were already made on Friday to see with the analyzer if all is working.

Above the photos of the north antenna.
8 connections to the coil, a hairpin match to bring the impedance to 50 ohms, under the plastic where the stone is placed is the choke.
There is a hole at the bottom of the switch unit so that any moisture can escape.
The coils are varnished after tuning, the connection of the coil to the antennas is mounted with copper grease so that I would have a very good conductivity and to easily disassemble everything later if necessary. I do not suspect that the tension rings will remain stainless otherwise.
Here you not see that every cable that runs to the switch unit is then secured with a glue gun.
The coax that runs to the antenna is still needs to be replaced by RG218 which can handle just a little more power .....
I don't have much power now, but that won't be long waiting anymore. I first wanted to have everything on my antennas adjusted, high power ready and last on my list is the amplifier.

Photos of the south antenna, explanation remains the same as that of the north.
Before I get a question why there are fewer radians attached there ..... it is connected to my radial net of the 40m 4sq .....
In the meantime, while we were outside I treated all my wooden posts again against rotting.
As you can see in the picture I had some bad luck, my control cable was too short (breakdown of another system once) and so I had to make an extension (which was provided), I have now rolled up the surplus for the time being.
Yes the coils are too big, but I don't want to saw them off just yet because I'm going to use them later, someday, maybe for the 160m and then it's a shame to saw them off. If I'm going to use them I'll make smaller ones for this setup.
Because I have so many options with this system it is not possible to post everything here, so I made a movie in the shack. Each position of the controller has a different possibility, a different measurement. Each tuning of the antenna also gives me a different radiation pattern that I am still fully discovering. Because of the many possibilities, it will take a while before I find the best position.
You can watch the video via this link on youtube.
Upgrading the system
Yes, I know it has only just been written and I am already thinking about an upgrade, the first thing I notice and also knew is that my F / B was not going to be great and I have already experienced that.
In the winter months I can use my RX antennas, but as soon as the farmer needs his fields I have to remove them.
Not that I receive nothing now, yesterday ZL and VK worked in FT8 at 80m but with extra F / B on this freq I can, if my RX system is not there, still be able to boost my RX with these TX antennas.
So yes, I am looking at whether I can build in a delay such as with the Christman feeding.
Now I have time until next winter I will now first enjoy what I have and meanwhile simulate everything first and think how I can achieve this on all freq that I can now select.
Thanks for reading, I hope you enjoy my clumsy systems
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