80m DXing hints


It’s not my intension to say what and what not to do we are all free to do what we like to do.

Just some tips of advice to some newcomers on the SSB DXportion on 80m.

(Between 3,790 and 3,800 Mhz)

The best moment to get some nice DX on 80m is maybe a half hour before and after sunrise and sunset. Sometimes  you can make DX contacts earlier than the half hour it all depends on the band conditions at that time.


Don’t think that you can’t make a DX contact with some "simple" (depends what you call simple) antennas on 80m.

The big guns with even Yagi’s are there to help other operators and mostly they will ask if there are others from Europe who wants to call the DXstation.


The DXstations mostly have very good RX antennas.

Remember the DX moment on 80m is short!

Only call when the big guns are asking for other Europeans to make the contact,

they were calling CQ, if they don’t ask it, do not interrupt.


Only call if you hear the DX station!

Only call if you know the call sign of the DX station! (Don’t believe always the cluster)

Make the contact as short as possible, like I said the DX moment on 80m is short and maybe you are not the only European station that wants that DXCC.

As good operators we do not tune on the DX stations frequency.

Only when you could exchange an signal report the contact would be good.

After you made the contact give the frequency back to the CQ caller.

If you wait maybe he will call again CQ and maybe there could be other DX on the band.


If you can’t make the contact remember it’s just a hobby. There is more in live than a new DXCC confirmation.





Thanks for reading

De ON7MV Op. Mike


When I bought the house there was a little chapel, it’s still exist.