Upgraded 80m system



We have removed the triangle because I am now also active on 160 and therefore I had to sacrifice 1 of the 80m antennas.

To get a better system, 1 of the remaining inverted L has been moved 1/4 wave distance from the other.


My first attempt was to try to use the christman feeding system but it was difficult for me to make it work.


We then switched to a system where i use 1 vertical as reflector, at the moment i can either short circuit north or short south using relays.

Everything is not perfect yet, a lot of testing still needs to be done, according to mmana I would have 3.3db gain, 5.5db front to back  and a beamwith of 130° with this system.


The relays with which I make the reflector, these are connected to my remote antenna switch.

Two pictures the first is from the north, the second is logically the south.

South with North shorted (Reflector North)

North with South shorted (Reflector South)