

At the moment we are waiting till the farmer harvest his crops from his field.

So i have to wait till than to test the system.



The fields are free for use, my thanks to the neighbors that I can use them in winter time.

The first time putting something new takes more time.

I have already built everything up in my head several times, but in practice it is always different.

Now it went reasonably smoothly, some small hiccups.

Not everything is there yet, the finishing will be for tomorrow, if the weather permits.

And then hoping that everything works as it should work the first time and that I am not have to spend hours or days searching for a problem.


The antennas are there and everything is connected. in reality everything is just a bit bigger.



I am happy that it is finally there. 

We have been working on it for several months.

If it works then this is another win for me personally.

If I can do it with next to no knowledge or background

then many can make this at least if you have the space.




My email is my call (at) telenet.be