Remote switchable director or reflector on 80m


As you could see on the subpage of "new 80m" is that my bandwidth is not very wide.

That's why I'm going to give it a try to be able to broadcast on the entire band with coils.
The intention is to make this twice so that I can test many things from the shack.

I will give more details of my intent later on this page.

Now I started to make a simple box with some relays and the necessary control cables.

It is not the best part of my homebrew, but I will make an improved version if this version would work.



With an outdoor unit alone, we are nothing, so I have to make another control unit.

The first version has already been replaced, I found the freq indication too small and then made a larger version so that it is all a bit clearer to read.






As you can see too small, not clear and I suspect because of the many possibilities I had to have a controller that is a clearly readable system.


The new version, larger and more clearly legible, the operation remains the same, just a different layout that I think is clearer than the previous one.

If you like to see all of it in action there is a little video on You tube on this LINK


The intention is actually to use the switch outside to operate a coil that has been tapped at fixed points.

With the switch I could take 8 freq which I can control from the inside.
Now we do this not once but twice.
For example, I can use the North antenna as a reflector and even as a director, I can make the South antenna longer or shorter, so that I can get a different radiation pattern with every adjustment.

Everything also works in reverse, of course.

It is a thought that is still under development, but think that this should certainly be possible.


I hope that with the drawing below it is a bit clearer to the readers.


coils no sorry never made it  well not in the way I am going to use them now.

Yes, there are calculation tools, but as you already know, mathematics is not my strongest subject.

we will see where we end up.

The coils are to big I know but don't want to saw them off because I might want to use them for 160m later.
They are simply made with 6mm² hollow copper flexible tube wrapped around a PVC tube.
On the end I soldered an eyelet, I just leave the bottom as it is.
Then I took a smaller PVC tube and drilled a hole in it every 2 cm, the reason is that the coil is quite a bit heavy and with the PVC tube that I have woven in afterwards, I can now also attach it also  at the bottom.
Why now PVC, yes I have Teflon, but it is still only a test and before I want to use my Teflon, everything must be in order and working.

I then took a pipe clamp at the soldered eye and drilled a hole in it so that I can screw the eyelet on it.

When everything is tuned I will treat everything with varnish, it is and will remain copper. The next version will be made with aluminum wire, but we will see that again.
My girlfriend (on3ma) works in a shop, a kind of parts shop 5min from where we live, the big advantage is that I only have to call and she brings the parts and they have many parts and supplies not with the intention of making antennas but when I walk around in that store I see antennas everywhere ........

in the meantime, in order not to have to struggle in the field, first connected all cables in the shed to make sure that everything works. in the past I did this in my field but if something does not work then you can search in the field for the error, usually in the rain or when it is cold and I have learned that in the meantime tot test it all before I go to my antennafield.

Next time hopefully you get an other update on this project.

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