Starting again with combining 2RX 9circle array's
We have come so far that both RX antennas have been made and are already in the meadow.
First tests seem promising, on the combined version I now have a 50dB SNR.
We are going to leave this until my neighbor needs his fields back.
In the meantime, in the time that is left, I am going to test this thoroughly.
We have made some progress in the meantime.
The second combiner is finished and also measured, below are the results.

Maybe it can be a little better, maybe yes, but it's not worth my time, I'm at -161.8° on the Ne port and +160.29° on the SW port.

Preamp and coaxes are ready...the green coaxes are 75 Ohm, the black 50 Ohm..The two black ones are identical so I have no difference in phase here.

This should be it...1 all elements the other a 5 RX... this is purely for testing.
The future is to have 2 x 9 but as a test this seems sufficient to me.

The combiner of the 2RXen this without impedance adjustment at the moment.
I want to connect them first and measure what impedance they have and then make an adjustment to the 50 Ohm.
The relays allow me to take each RX mono or double. So I would have RX9 on Receiver 1, the other on receiver 2 or combined on 1 receiver ...
More testing soon...
I have done this test before (2021/2022), but then I started renovating and did not elaborate further.
We have built up some experience in the meantime, and what I then noticed was that I did not get the same gain on both systems.
That's why I want to test this again, but now with 2 completely identical systems from antennas to the combiner.

The above photo of Eznec is the intention... 2X RX9 with a distance of 100m apart. I have done many tests in eznec over the distance from 40m to 250m and the 100m was the best version that eznec showed me.

Above are the differences between the combined (black) and the single RX9 (blue)
We will test whether the complexity of this system is worth it.
Fortunately, due to the many tests I have done in the past, I already have a serious stock of parts and the costs for this test are reasonable.
If this works like this, which has already been my finding in the past, I will look into making a variable phase shift between the two.
I haven't been able to simulate this in Eznec yet... Eznec isn't the simplest thing out there either.
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