Rebuilding the ASL2010 with my daughter (and dog's)
Due to the purchase of the new mast I have dismantled the ASL2010 from the old mast.
In order not to lose any parts while waiting for the installation of my new mast, I rebuilt the ASL2010 together with my daughter.
Not ready ...yet

New Toy ASL2010 Log periodic

We bought a log periodic to replace the KT34A.
No, not bought new but 2nd hand for a little price.
Reason for replacement is that the KT34A doesn't work as it should and I actually have to buy the upgrade kit to go from the KT34A to the KT34M2.
Unfortunately that upgrade kit is only for sale in the US and I don't feel like buying it because for the price of the upgrade kit I was able to buy the log periodic.
Hopefully it can be placed on my mast soon.
Took a bit longer than expected... there were 2 tubes that needed to be replaced.
In the meantime got the replacements and polished everything.

The first tests are great.
Only the SWR on the 20m band is slightly higher around 1/7 but doesn't seem that bad to me.
The other bands are between 1/1 and 1/4.
meanwhile started to lay new cabling to my rotor when this is finished I can finally start broadcasting again from 14 to 30Mhz.
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